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Turtle Care Basics |
International Center for Veterinary Services 北京新天地国际动物医院 Turtle Care Basics for Pet Owners 龟的护理基础知识 1.Size of tank: 水箱大小: a.Turtle should occupy less than ¼ of the tank’s horizontal space 龟应占不到水箱的四分之一的面积 2.Water Depth - 3x the length of the turtle (measured from head to tail) 水深:龟大小的3倍(从头部到尾部测量的长度) 3.Water and environmental temperature: 水和环境温度:23-27°C(75-80°F 4.Island – should have an area where turtle can dock outside of water (flat stone, etc.) 海岛(孤立区)-应该有一个区域,龟可以在水外的码头(平石等) 5.Adding new water: Add small amounts of water at appropriate temperature添加新水:加入少量的水在适当的温度 - 23-27°C (75-80°F-23-27℃(75-80℉) 6.Calcium and Vitamins钙和维生素: a.Vitamin D supplement – use long-term until adult, 2x each week 维生素D的补充-使用长期直到成年,每星期2次。 b.3-4x each week, sprinkle on food 每周3-4次,洒在食物中 I Calcium 钙 ii Vitamin D 维生素D iiiShould be low-phosphorous or non-phosphorous 应该是低磷或无磷 7.UVA-UVB Light Bulb (full spectrum): UVA-UVB灯管(全光谱) a. Position 10-12 inches (25-30 cms) away from turtle for 10-12 hours per day 灯管的位置应离龟10-12英寸(25-30厘米)高,每天10-12小时 b. Do not shine through glass or plastic (plexi-glass) as UV rays will be blocked 不要使UV灯穿过玻璃或塑料(有机玻璃),这样紫外线光会被遮挡住 c. Replace light bulb after six-months 六个月后要更换一次灯管 8. Diet: 饮食 a. Vegetables – beet greens, green outer leaves of cabbage, Chinese cabbage, collard greens, kohl rabi, endive, kale, watercress, bok choy, spinach, etc. 蔬菜—甜菜,绿色外叶白菜,中国白菜,羽衣甘蓝,球茎甘蓝,莴苣,甘蓝,豆瓣菜,白菜,菠菜等 b. Majority of diet should be whole foods: earthworms, slugs, feeder fish, crickets, waxworms, superworms 主要的饮食应该是天然健康的食品:蚯蚓、蛞蝓、馈线鱼,蟋蟀、蜡虫、毛毛虫。 9. Salmonella: 沙门氏菌: a. Turtles, reptiles, lizards may carry salmonella 乌龟,爬行动物,蜥蜴可能携带沙门氏菌 b. Practice good hand hygiene (washing hands thoroughly) after touching and handling 接触和处理后,养成良好的手部卫生(彻底洗手) c. Keep away from small children (may put in mouth, touch eyes/lips after handing) and immune-compromised individuals 远离小孩(接触后可从口、眼睛/嘴唇感染)和免疫能力较差的人 ©2014 International Center for Veterinary Services. All rights reserved. Tel: (8610) 8456-1939/1940; Email: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 ; www.ICVSASIA.com 2014-1-22
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