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Spay & Neuter Facts |
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Spaying & Neutering Means Healthier, Happier Pets
What are the benefits of spaying and neutering cats and dogs? Here are a few facts to consider: A neutered tomcat is less likely to roam, less likely to fight (and less likely to cost you money to patch him up), and less likely to spray urine to mark his territory. He's more likely to live longer, because the cat that’s looking for a mate is really looking for trouble. If a car doesn't get him, infectious disease (spread by fighting or mating) or cancer may. A spayed female cat is a more attentive and loving pet, because her energy isn't constantly directed toward finding a mate. (Cats are in heat nearly all the time until they become pregnant.) If you spay your cat, you protect her from some cancers and infections and from sexually transmitted infectious diseases. A neutered male dog retains his playfulness and friendliness. The behaviors that change are far less desirable. The interest in roaming is eliminated in 90% of neutered dogs. Aggressive behavior against other male dogs is eliminated in 60% of neutered dogs. Urine marking is eliminated in 50% of neutered male dogs. Inappropriate mounting is eliminated in 70% of neutered dogs. Activity level and appetite do not change with neutering. A male dog should not gain weight or become less interested in activity post neuter. A spayed female dog no longer goes into heat every 8 months or so. There is no more bloody discharge or offensive odors to attract male dogs. A female dog spayed before her first heat will have a near zero chance of developing mammary cancer. "Spaying" and "neutering" are the everyday terms for the surgical sterilization of a pet. Neutering -- or altering -- is also used to describe both procedures. The technical terms for the two operations are "ovariohysterectomy," for the female, and "castration," for the male - which pretty much explains why "spaying" and "neutering" are the preferred terms. Spaying is the removal of the female's entire reproductive system: The uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries are taken out through an incision in the abdomen. Absorbable sutures do not need to be removed. Recovery is fast, taking just a few days (usually 7-10), during which you should limit your cat or dog’s activities -- no jumping or boisterous play. In neutering, the male testicles are removed through incisions in the scrotum, the pouch holding the testicles. The skin incision may or may not have stitches. Post-operative care normally involves keeping the incisions clean and dry. Cats are recommended to stay inside (if he is not already an indoor pet) and using crystal litter in place of regular litter until the incisions close, which usually happens within three to five days. Keep neutered males separated from in heat females for at least one to two weeks after surgery as sperm in the neutered male’s ductal system could still impregnate females. Puppies and kittens can be spayed by 6-months of age, after completing their vaccinations. It is best to spay and neuter pets before they go into the first heat (usually occurs between 5-7 months). Male neuter surgery is less complicated than a female spay surgery. Males can be safely neutered after 5-months of age. Spaying and neutering helps reduce pet over-population and the number of unwanted pets. Most importantly, it helps pets live longer and healthier lives!
给犬猫做绝育手术有哪些好处呢?以下几点值得注意: 雄性猫绝育后可减少出走求偶过程中打架的情形以及减少到处撒尿占地盘的现象,例如车祸,传染病(通过打斗或交配传播),或者以后得癌症等都会有危险。绝育后寿命也会更长些. 雌性猫绝育后会变得更会温顺可爱,因为它的精力再也不会一味地用在求偶上面。(未绝育的母猫几乎一直都处于发情状态,直到怀孕))。给母猫绝育同样能避免生殖系统的感染,病变,癌症及一些性传播疾病的风险,例如艾滋病等。 雄性狗绝育后同样能保持活力和友好,性格无明显改变。90%的公狗绝育后能消除外出求偶的习惯。60%的公狗绝育后能消除对其它公狗的攻击性。50% 的公狗绝育后能消除撒尿占地盘的行为。70% 的公狗能消除爬跨行为。绝育手术不会改变公狗的活动水平和食欲。公狗绝育后一般不会发胖或活动减少。 雌性狗绝育后完全杜绝每隔八个月的一次发情,及有强烈的气味血样分泌物的产生。在第一次发情前做绝育手术,几乎可避免患乳腺癌的机会。 “绝育”和“去势”是宠物外科最常见的手术。有时也被称为“去势”和“阉割”。各自的医学学名分别为“绝育”“子宫卵巢摘除术”及“去势”“睾丸摘除术”。 “绝育术”是把(母)雌性宠物的整个生殖系统摘除,包括子宫、输卵管和卵巢都从腹中线同一个切口摘除。使用的都是可吸收缝线,无需拆线。术后需要几天时间(一般7-10天)恢复,这期间必须限制您宠物的活动(不能剧烈运动或跑跳)。 “去势术”是将(公)雄性宠物的睾丸通过阴囊上的切口进行摘除。阴囊皮肤的切口,有的需要缝合,有的不需要缝合。术后护理,最重要是保持伤口干净和干燥。对于公猫,术后必须限于室内(因为有的猫以前可能不是完全室内猫),而且术后3-5天,即在伤口愈合前,需要使用水晶猫砂。无论雄性猫狗在绝育手术后,仍需要1至2周与异性的隔离。除预防感染外,由于阴茎内仍有残存精液的存在,所以依然可使异性受孕。 最好的手术时机雌性为第一次发情期前,即5~7个月,其中5~6个月龄为最佳时机。雄性则较为简单,即5个月龄后均可实施手术。 绝育和去势手术可以帮助控制宠物数量的过度增长和减少流浪动物的数量。 更重要的是,绝育和去势手术能让您的宠物更长寿,更健康!
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